Manage your money quickly and conveniently — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — with Bath State Bank's Bank by Mouse™ online banking & bill pay. You have the ability to view your accounts, transfer money between Bath State Bank accounts, pay bills and much more . . . all from the convenience of your computer. What can you do?
- View images of your cleared checks and deposit slips
- View your account balances (including checking, savings, loans, line of credit, CDs and IRAs)
- Confirm deposits, withdrawals, checks cleared and reconcile accounts
- Transfer funds between your BSB deposit accounts and to make payments on your loans
- View statement and account history (90 day)
- Sign-up for eStatements to declutter your mailbox at home
- Download account information into personal financial management software
- Pay your bills online (Bill Pay is a free optional service that requires sign-up)
- Person-to-Person pay (free optional service that requires sign-up with Bill Pay)
- . . . and much more!
WHAT IS BANK BY MOUSE? It's our online banking system which allows you to manage your accounts via the internet.
SECURITY: Our site is secure and protected by Secured Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. For added security, the site will automatically log you off if you are inactive for more than 10 minutes. In order to make your online banking experience as secure as possible, we have:
- A security feature able to detect any unusual activity. If we suspect unusual activity, we will ask you to answer your security questions to verify your identity. This will, most likely, be a very rare occurrence;
- A required watermark feature (chosen by you) is an added security step. This watermark is your own personal image that you choose when you first set-up your account. After you have set-up your personal image, you will then see this image each time you login and it will appear on each page of your online banking. If you do not see this image, please log off immediately and call the Bank at 765-732-3022.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Bank by Mouse can be accessed from most computers with internet access and a secure web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Foxfire or Safari; however, versions 6.0 and older are no longer valid for access into Internet Banking. Microsoft no longer supports these versions and security updates are not available. If your computer operates with Windows 2000 or higher or Apple Macintosh 6.0 or higher — you probably have all the software that is required. We do not recommend using a Beta version of any browser.
FIRST TIME USERS: There are three ways to register.
- Simple stop by any BSB location and we'll register you on the spot.
- Call the Bath office at 765-732-3022 to get registered over the phone.
- Complete this application here. Before completing our online banking application, please read our Online Banking Agreement and Electonic Funds Transfer Act Disclosure (both located at right.) You have the choice to sign-up for online banking only or you may add bill pay (which allows you to pay your bills online.) Fill out the form and bring it in, fax it (765-732-3910) or mail to Bath State Bank, P.O. Box 10, Bath, IN 47010. You will receive a letter in the mail with your Bank by Mouse ID and instructions on how to login for the first time. This letter will be followed by your Bank by Mouse password. You will not be able to login unless you have both numbers. If you have a joint account, all account holders will need to have their own user ID and password.
YOU ARE ACCEPTED: After you receive your Bank by Mouse ID and your Password, go to our web site and select the Bank by Mouse button for login. Enter the supplied User ID, then enter the password and select login to begin your session.
Forms & Information
These items must be reviewed prior to obtaining online banking access.
- Online Banking/Mobile & Deposit Banking/Bill Pay Agreement
- EFT Notice
- Online Banking Application (drop-off, mail or fax application to the Bank)
- FAQ Online and Mobile
- Privacy Notice
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