February 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 09:19

Cybersecurity experts say their top concern when it comes to scams is AI, also known as “Artificial Intelligence.”

AI can be used to clone voices of loved ones, and it’s now being used to make fake videos that look realistic.

The greatest risk from generative AI will continue to be mis- and dis-information. It can be very difficult to tell what is real and what’s not.

You can protect yourself by verifying any unsolicited phone call, text message, email or social media message that you receive. For example, if you get an email from your bank and you didn’t initiate the contact: go to your bank or call the phone number that’s listed on your Bank statement or in the phonebook.

Scammers are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence tools to clone the voices of individuals they target on social media. They place panic calls to their family or friends in the hope of convincing the unwitting recipient to give them money or access to sensitive information.

The goal of the scammer is to get you into fight or flight and to create urgency in your mind that your loved one is in some sort of trouble. So the best way to deal with those situations is to hang up and immediately call your loved one to verify the situation.